Today I participated in the Pay It Forward Toronto Flash Mob. It was part of a global event where readers met in pre-arranged locations to read a book that inspired them, brought them to tears, or changed the way they looked at life. You can watch a video with global organizer Charley Johnson here:
In Toronto, about fifty book-lovers met at Union Station at 4 pm to silently read our books and then “pay it forward” by sharing that inspiring book with a friend or a complete stranger. Why? Just to remind them that the world is an amazing place. My book was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – a fabulous book.
Thanks to Toronto organizers Nancy Runstedler, Linda Granfield and Christie Harkin!

PIF Toronto organizer Nancy Runstedler
Below are some of the participants of the Pay It Forward Toronto Flash Mob. Our hands are empty because we’ve just given away our books! Other participants included author Marthe Jocelyn, publisher Paul Kropp, author Rebecca Upjohn and many more.