Cleavage Book Launch

CleavageTeens and adults are welcome to join me at the official book launch for Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls, which includes my story “Profanity.” The event will be held on Wednesday, September 24 from 5:30-8:30 at the Canadian Children’s Book Centre (Suite 101, 40 Orchard View Blvd, Toronto). Please drop by to celebrate with us – and enjoy mocktails and cool munchies.

Summer Writing at Camp

I just finished two awesome weeks of teaching WordPlayer writing workshops at Pegasus Studios Arts Camp in Toronto. Together we wrote and shared poems, created characters using masks, and invented stories about buried treasure. The kids and teens were super enthusiastic when we created our own imaginary worlds then wrote stories about them. They drew maps of their worlds, imagined characters, then wrote pages of fabulous material. Thanks to all for sharing your writing with me.

New Story in Cleavage Collection

My latest story for teens, “Profanity,” will be published this Fall in Cleavage – an anthology about mothers, daughters, and body image (Sumach Press). In “Profanity,” teenaged Claudia is repelled by her mother’s pregnant body, referring to her as “the human whale.” Editors Deb Loughead and Jocelyn Shipley preview some of the issues in the anthology in the Parents Canada article “Your Child’s Body Image.”

Young Voices Writers Conference

On October 20, 2007, I enjoyed a writing workshop with enthusiastic teen writers at the Young Voices Writers Conference. The event was held at the North York Central Library in Toronto. In my workshop, I focussed on how to revise a work of fiction, demonstrating my own revision process then discussing specific ways to polish prose with writing exercises to show technique.

Editor of Young Voices Magazine

On October 18, 2007, I joined the staff of the Toronto Public Library to celebrate the launch of Young Voices 2007, the library’s annual magazine for teen writing and art. As a guest editor of the magazine, I congratulated this year’s winners and encouraged teens aged 12 to 19 to enter their writing for next year’s magazine, when I’ll again act as an editor. For more information about how to submit, go to Young Voices magazine.

Prose Workshop, Toronto Public Library

Teens aged 12 to 19 joined me for a prose workshop at the North York Central Library in Toronto on February 20, 2007. Participants worked on their creative writing with an eye to submitting to Young Voices, Toronto Public Library’s magazine for teen writing and art. Participant Sanjeev Narayanaswamy wrote this review of the workshop.