New Book Deal: The Cloud That Stuck

In my home, stoicism is a common topic of conversation. My partner has been reading aloud to me from The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday since 2020, and we’re also fans of readalouds of poetry by yung pueblo – books such as Inward and The Way Forward. My upcoming picture book, The Cloud That Stuck with the talented illustrator Dorothy Leung, is my love song to stoicism as a way to cope with challenges beyond my control.

Weather happens. Our young character can’t change it. But perhaps, she can find another way through the storm.

I’m thrilled to be working with Julie Bliven, Ellie Erhart, and everyone at Charlesbridge Publishing once again. Many thanks to my agent Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown for all her support.



You can read more about my upcoming picture books here.

Upcoming Workshop: Revise Your Picture Book Manuscripts

I’m excited to share my next workshop with Whale Rock Literary Workshops. Details below!

Revise Your Picture Book Manuscripts:
A Faculty-led, Writer-Centered Critique Group

Dates: Wednesdays March 26 – May 21, 2025
Time: 7:30 – 8:50 PM EST
Where: Online

Do you have picture book manuscripts that you’d like to revise with a small, committed group of writers dedicated to helping you produce your best work? Join award-winning author and MFA-level instructor Karen Krossing for this in-depth, hands-on, nine-week workshop limited to eight participants. You’ll use your own manuscripts to explore picture-book craft/revision, you’ll discuss craft elements you can apply to your own manuscripts, and you’ll participate in weekly online discussions that dive into picture book craft topics.

Our nine weeks together include:

  • An initial session on learning how to participate in a writer-centered critique group—one that centers on each writer’s needs and creates a safe, nurturing feedback experience. (This session is required for participation.) 
  • Eight 80-minute workshop sessions facilitated by Karen Krossing where writers will offer and receive targeted, constructive feedback that inspires revisions and helps you meet your writing goals.
  • Two manuscript critiques per participant during the workshop sessions, including feedback from Karen.
  • Learning about picture book craft from Karen and one another’s creative efforts and insights.
  • Eight weekly online conversation prompts about picture book craft in a separate, online digital learning space exclusive to the group.

You will complete the workshop with:

  • Having built a community of fellow picture book writers.
  • The revision tools and craft knowledge to revise your own manuscripts as well as your peers’.
  • Meaningful ways to workshop and evaluate picture book stories.
  • Two critiques of your picture book manuscripts.
  • The tools needed to form your own writer-centered critique group or enhance your existing group.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You seek targeted, constructive, inspirational feedback on your picture book manuscripts.
  • You want to expand your understanding of picture book craft with a focus on revision.
  • You want to co-create a safe, nurturing feedback experience for all levels of writers.
  • You are seeking a writer-centered critique group or the tools and insight to enhance your existing critique group.

Upcoming Workshop: Feeling It

I’m happy to announce my next workshop with Whale Rock Literary Workshops. I’ll be co-teaching Feeling It: Creating Emotional Depth in Your Novel with US author and poet Laura Shovan.

Feeling It: Creating Emotional Depth in Your Novel

Dates/Times: Thursday, Feb 15, 22, 29 and March 7 at 7:00 to 8:30 pm ET (four sessions)
Cost: $499 US
Delivery: Online with sessions recorded for later viewing

“I just didn’t connect with the character.” “The character didn’t resonate with me.”

How many times do writers hear these phrases when submitting to editors and agents? These dreaded, vague responses can often leave writers scratching their heads. Was it the writing? The plotting? How can they write stories that readers can’t resist?

Emotionally deep stories grab readers’ attention and encourage them to care about the characters and their world. It’s one way to improve your writing and craft stories that readers (and agents and editors) connect to. Join Whale Rock faculty Laura Shovan and Karen Krossing for a deep-dive into getting your characters’ emotions on the page.

Participants are expected to bring a chapter from a novel at any stage of development. Each session will tackle different ways to achieve emotional depth, whether you are connecting emotionally to your writer self, your characters, or your story ideas. Sessions will include exercises and side-writing assignments and will explore drafting and revising to achieve emotional depth. Participants will have homework to complete between sessions.

Each participant will walk away with a chapter of greater emotional depth as well as the tools needed to tackle all their manuscripts. Participants will submit ten, double-spaced pages and receive feedback from one of the instructors.

This Workshop Is For You If

  • You are writing a middle grade or young adult novel.
  • You love plot and/or dialogue, but struggle with getting to your character’s heart.
  • You’ve received the dreaded “I just didn’t connect…” feedback on your manuscript.
  • You would like to explore new ways of emotional connection in your writing practice.
  • You are gearing up for submission and want to be sure your book hits the emotional highs and lows.
  • You are a novelist looking to enhance your skills.

To register, go to the Whale Rock website. While you’re there, please also check out their many wonderful offerings for new, emerging, and established writers for children and youth. And don’t forget to subscribe to the Whale Rock newsletter!

Writing Mentorships Available (Giveaway!)

GIVEAWAY ALERT! Enter to win one manuscript critique with me (either a picture book or the first ten pages of a middle-grade or young-adult novel). To enter, leave a comment below or on one of my giveaway posts on social media before January 31, 2023. I’ll announce the winner on February 2.

One of the reasons I completed an MFA in Writing for Children and Youth was to improve my mentorship skills. In the three years since I graduated, I’ve connected with a wonderful new agent and signed six new book contracts with fabulous publishers. Now I feel ready to offer creative mentorships to writers of fiction and nonfiction for children and youth, and I’m celebrating with a giveaway!

My mentoring is informed by my background as an editor and writing workshop leader as well as my MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. My own published works include fiction and nonfiction picture books, middle-grade and young-adult novels, and short stories for teens.

I see my role as a writing coach who listens to and supports writers in expressing their stories in their way. For me, mentorship is a way to give back, pay it forward, and promote community with the goal of helping all voices in our world feel worthy, heard, and valued. I want to share my writing craft knowledge and experience to help you to write the best book you can.

If you’re looking for a manuscript critique or a long-term mentorship, please check out my Mentoring page or email me to chat about options.

UPDATE: And the lucky winner of my giveaway manuscript critique is Andrea Mack! I’ll message you, Andrea, so we can get started! Thanks to everyone who entered and for those who contacted me about my mentorship services!