Sour Cakes: Available Now!

Happy book birthday to Sour Cakes! Today, I’m celebrating with a lemon curd cake. My hope for this book is that it will reach those who need to read it. May Sour Cakes spark conversations about big emotions that are both sweet and sour.

You can read a BookFlap post titled Sweet & Sour Siblings, where illustrator Anna Kwan and I talk about creating Sour Cakes. BookFlap has fabulous kid-lit content to love and explore. Please check it out and subscribe!

Thanks to author L.E. Carmichael, you can also read a Cantastic Authorpalooza post about the book: Sparking Conversations About Emotions with Sour Cakes. Please also check out other posts in the Cantastic Authorpalooza series, plus Lindsey’s excellent books!

Many thanks to Owlkids for producing such a beautiful book! May it find its way in the world!

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